Stewardship Campaign News:

Dear Friends:

Our Stewardship Campaign is set to begin on Saturday, October 21st with a parish-wide Potluck dinner at Brian and Caroline Angel Burke’s home. The theme for the Stewardship campaign this year is: ‘From Bread & Cup to Faith & Giving.”

Over the next five Sundays, you will hear from fellow parishioners and me about how our spirituality equips us to be more generous in giving and to show our faith in action.  As we strive to live more generously, offering what we can with our time, talent and treasure, we can all give thanks to God for the blessings showered upon us and our church in past years.

Our ministries here at the Church of Good Shepherd are empowered through the generosity of all our members. Each week, we are nurtured in word and sacrament called by God to care for those who are ill or hurting and welcome all those searching for a community of faith.

Our Church endeavors to be a generous parish. Some of our members tithe, giving ten percent of their income to the church, while others commit a certain percentage or give as they are able. What is essential is that all of us   are asked to make a gift that reflects our commitment to nurture and support our spiritual home.  

Church of Good Shepherd provides resources and nourishment for our faith journey.  It is a journey we make together, not a solo expedition. The annual stewardship campaign is a time to reflect on the practice of intentional giving so that we live into the generous and abundant life God is calling us to live. Jesus said, “I come so that all may have life and have it abundantly.”  

Over the next five weeks, the Vestry and I invite you to prayerfully consider how you might live life more generously. Please consider how your standard of living aligns with your standard of giving. Think about the impact this community of faith has on your life and the wider community.

While we give thanks for all big and small things every one of you do for your Church, we ask for your prayers for your Church to continue to grow with your commitment of your time, talent and treasure. 

Pray about God’s generosity in your life and then make a pledge that reflects that generosity. I am personally grateful for the wonderful and generous companions I’ve met at our Church: Good Shepherd. 



Your Rector